
Showing posts from May, 2014


What is the hope of the Christian message?  Is it like Plato’s followers and the Gnostics believed, that an elect are spiritual beings living in an irrelevant and corrupt world, just waiting to break these earthly bounds and obtain a purely enlightened spiritual existence?  Or conversely, is it that we are like rats trapped on a sinking ship, and there is nothing we can do save delude ourselves with a spiritual pie-in-the-sky way of thinking?  No, far from it.  Jewish thought believed that there was a day coming, when the heavenly kingdom would come down and the saved would be welcomed in, on a restored Earth, in a return to the Garden of Eden. And the early Christians found that they no longer needed to wait until the end of time and the final resurrection of all souls to see the beginnings of this. They were surprised and their world view shifted with the early resurrection of Jesus Christ: in history rather than at the end of it. And so he adopted us as sons and daughters who were

What is the Holy Spirit?

"It is that “oh yeah” feeling when you see something like you are seeing it for the first time." 50 days after Jesus ascended to heaven, he appeared to a group of his disciples in the upper room and poured out the Holy Spirit on them.  It was like a mighty rushing of wind that settled on each person with tongues of fire. They went out and spoke to the crowds from all nations gathered in Jerusalem for Pentecost, and everyone heard them in their own language. 3000 people converted to Christianity that day.  What was this thing that could settle on people with such power? In the trinity, we speak of the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit.  I have heard the Holy Spirit is that thing that causes sight: that thing that causes the Son and the Father to lock eyes, and understand each other. So too, it causes people see with new eyes, the truth in the Gospel, God in a sunset, and all of creation. The Holy Spirit is that personality that brings clarity.  It brings sight.


It is an ironic twist built into reality that sooner or later, you will come to believe in Jesus Christ.  It is just a matter of if you do it now, on this side of death, or later, when you meet him at the door. To do it now, means to gain a way of thinking and living that is purposeful, comforting, and exciting.  To do it later may provide you intolerable eternal accommodations.


In 1993, after graduation from High School, I went underground.  It was not my choice. It was not fair. It was because of an illness that onset in my first semester of college.  When I came out of it, it was almost two years later.  I started a part time job.  Then someone told me about the internet.  I was shocked to find that the dial-up system which I used to spend hours on text-based MUDs (roll-playing adventures) in high school had become an international commerce phenomenon.   I was asleep when the world changed. In Luke 9, Jesus takes his closest disciples up to the mountain to pray.  The account appears in Matthew, Mark, and Luke.  But in Luke, it offers the detail: They were sleeping while he prayed. While they were snoozing, his countenance was changed to bright white like lightening and he was conversing with Moses and Elijah who talked with him about his future death in Jerusalem. (Luke 9:29-36) 1 His sleepy disciples awoke to a revelation that they almost missed.