
Showing posts from November, 2014

Change and religion

I don’t think anyone, especially Christians, should be surprised at the pope’s remarks that entertain the validity of evolution and the big bang theory, or the church’s attempts to reach out the LGBT community, or seminaries teaching us to read the bible critically instead of just taking the words on the page in English as the will of God.  Jesus followers are doing what Jesus taught us to do: to seek out those who do not know the gospel, bring the gospel (ONLY THE GOSPEL) to them stripped of all the trappings of religion, remove the disease of man’s desire to exclude and to never miss a chance to rail against religion at every chance we get.  Jesus turned the Jewish religion on its head because he saw what was in men’s hearts – the desire to know good and evil, and its result, the desire to push one’s views of good and evil on others by excluding people from the community.  Look at how he treated the Pharisees: the entrenched religious who had a vested interest in promoting their w