
Showing posts from July, 2016

It is impossible to help someone who doesn't want it

     It is impossible to help someone who doesn't think they need or doesn't want help.  It can be a frustrating thing if you love them, because most of us can't see past our own issues.  Our issues, and outlook because of them, traps us in a world view that we cannot easily see through.  It usually takes someone else who we have a relationship with to say something that shatters the barriers we have constructed.  It shatters through the lens through which we look at the world.  But most of us are under the extremely destructive and insulating belief that we can take care of ourselves.  We believe we are self sufficient. Reaching out is a sign of weakness.  But the truth is the opposite.  We are relational creatures.  We need others and reaching out is a sign of strength, and it enables those people who are sitting on the fringes of our lives to stop being silent and provide help.  Because a broken and contrite spirit reaps the rewards of the help offered to us.      I u

Love, Save Us. We Need It.

     No man or woman alone can save our country. No group of people can, in themselves. The devices of men, as well-intentioned as they may be, cannot turn this nation or this world around. It is the physical law of Entropy - all systems naturally progress from order to disorder when not acted on by something outside the system. Man is part of the system, and however he may try, without some external influence, he is simply contributing to the decay. Only some force outside the system can order it and save it. In the founding of this country, some men looked to God as they understood him to inspire them to develop the inalienable rights and principles that would underlie our democracy. But anyone can turn to God and still inflict harm on the world. Extremism, case and point. Because for man's rational mind, God is what we make of him in our intellect.  Don't we all assign our own characteristics to God, projecting our flawed and perverse human desires on him? God for one man i

Life in this wonderful and scary place

     The world we live in is a beautiful and wondrous place.  Just look at the sky at sunset.  The light is refracted at just the right angle to paint the sky with purple and pink.  The same sky above us that, most days, is blue with fluffy white ice clouds over a vast sea of green that blankets the land.  The summers are warm.  The spring and fall especially, are my favorite times of the year.  The spring, when we get the first warm days after a long cold winter.  The fall, when the air gets crisp and I can put long pants and a sweater on for the first time after the long hot days of August. And we, as humans, are perfectly adapted to live through all these seasons through the tools that we have been given. I believe that the creatures of the Earth, including us, are even more amazing than the astounding Earth itself.  Think how complex an ant is.  How social it is.  How it lives and eats with a tiny digestive tract made of muscle and acids, directed by a simple brain. It is perfe