
Showing posts from May, 2016

What is the balm for a youth-obsessed culture?

      We live in a youth-obsessed culture here in the United States.  It wasn't always this way.  In the 1950's, advertisers realized that if they targeted the young, they could possibly have life-long customers.  The younger the consumer, the longer the company would be able to sell their product.  Television, which had just arrived in everyone's homes, was the perfect platform for this new marketing strategy.  But showing young, beautiful people buying their products they could influence the entire tv-watching public.  It is a strategy that has been ubiquitous ever since.  Now as television is slowly dying to subscription services and the Internet, advertising corporations haven't missed a beat targeting young consumers, especially the millennial generation.  They are actually having a bit of trouble doing this, I have heard, because millennials see right through shallow attempts to convince them of the need for products so they have switched to marketing through humo