So You're Not Hearing From God

I think one of the things I hear most often from other Christians is that that their life is spiritually dry, that they are not hearing from God.  This is the same problem honest atheists, agnostics, and seekers have too.  Anyone who entertains the thought of a God, is confronted with this problem sooner or later.

Some people are ushered into their faith in the crucible of pain.  They hit the dregs of life and find in their need, that they have reached the end of themselves and they have no choice but to cry out.  When they do, they are met with a voice coming back to them. Some people find that they are bored with life and caught up in its little battles and start searching for something deeper. And a voice clear and concise speaks something so profound to their heart that they never forget it.  Others hear the voice of God coming to them through someone they love, someone they have let into their inner life and they seek to find the source.  Some hear the voice of God in the beauty of nature, and they can’t get enough.

 But what happens when it is dry? You believe that there is something or someone out there and maybe you’ve heard the voice before, but right now, you listen in vain.  This can be a very painful thing for some people.  Others just say, I was wrong, there’s no one out there. And they wander away from faith.

It is a problem at least as old as the Abrahamic religions (and very assuredly much older), and lucky for us, people that have gone before us have laid out the path. I have found the answer in the spiritual disciplines. “Discipline” sounds hard, but it is really so easy.  God made it easy, because he knew we would have this problem.

I can tell you what works for me. I have taken the spiritual disciplines that I have found laid out for me by other Christians and applied them to my life, making them my own.  If I want to hear from God, I have to put myself in a posture to hear him.  For most of us, the noise is first external.  The TV, movies, facebook, the news. Turn it off.  Pick up your bible, pick something you heard in church or read about and find it.  Or if you use to read the scriptures, and had a favorite story or psalm, return to it. If you have no experience with the scriptures and don’t know where to start, just open the bible and start reading. If you are confronted with things that irk you, give it a chance.  Try it a few times. In 12 step meetings, the sober majority will tell you to give the meeting at least 6 tries before calling it quits. Ask your questions of someone who is a little further down the path than you.

I started getting up at 6:30 every morning, having a smoke (I don’t recommend this part), getting out a devotional and reading it.  Before long, this turned into praying, and reading scripture.  Sometimes I take a break from life, schedule an hour on my calendar, and put on some good music and curl up on the couch and listen for God in the music.  Because I read my bible and listen to sermons on Sunday, I know the voice of God and I can hear him when I listen.

After confronting external noise, we are confronted with internal noise.  Concerns about life, personal hang ups (“this is a waste of time” might be hiding the message “I’m unloveable.”)  You’ve got to push your way through it. Anything good is worth pursuing, give it an honest effort, and I guarantee you, if you’re honest with yourself, God will show up.

Most importantly we’ve got to take on a posture receptive to hearing him.  The best way to do this is to get involved in serving others.  Find a church and join the homeless ministry or the single mom’s ministry, volunteer with a service organization like Habitat For Humanity: something that would put you in touch with people in need.  God is there, and he will speak to you through those experiences.  Join a small group that does bible study and get to know the God in the pages.  It takes time.  It is worth it.  Before long, if you learn who God is, how he sounds, you will start hearing from him.

It takes time and intentionality, but these are concrete things you can do, and God will be there, waiting for you.  If you “show up” by doing something concrete, by doing what you CAN do, God will show up too – that’s what he does, he is the God of “showing up.”  If you don’t believe it, read the scriptures.


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