What is Original Sin? And what are we to do about it?

     Original sin sounds like such a draconian phrase.  The concept was introduced by Irenaeus,
Bishop of Lyons, and later expanded upon by Augustine. But what is it?  It is simply self-will. Choosing our own way over God's way. Our own will instead of God's. It is a spiritual concept that is plain to see in the world. We are all born into it - as babies we are born utterly selfish.  We have no thought for needs outside our own.  But life, with God, is the process of dying to the false self and learning to embrace the will of God - the care for others, the care for creation, the care for the world outside of ourselves.  As we grow out of our childhood, we grow out of our false selves: the self that only knows to attend to its own desires.

     But this does not mean we hate ourselves.  In fact, quite the opposite.  The commandment Jesus gave that summed up and fulfilled all the scripture (the law) up to that point was "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. And Love your neighbor as yourself." (Mark 12:31)  The journey with God is a voyage of self discovery.  Discovering thankfulness, peace, purpose. Discovering your true self.  The way we are uniquely wired, underneath all the baggage we have taken on through the circumstances of life. Discovering our God-given gifts. Discovering creativity, and creatively applying the ability God gave us to love to the world around us in the unique way that we all are capable of.  Because we are unique.  Never before known on this Earth.  Absolutely irreplaceable. The very best people at being ourselves. We are, each of us, the supreme work of art by the Master of art.  We should appreciate ourselves!

     And this leads to another truth you can see plainly in the world.  The more we learn to love ourselves - our true selves - the more we are able to love others.  We realize the love poured into us by God and then are filled in measure by as much as we can give away.  It is sustaining and increasing over time, a cycle of growth, started by a seed planted in our souls by the hand of the Master Gardener. And He is - as each of us reflect - wildly creative!

     When I was young I denied my true self.  I took on the persona of those around me, those whom I admired.  I chose to be something other than what I naturally was.  I dressed a certain way, acted a certain way - all to gain acceptance and the esteem I did not have for myself.  It was utterly selfish, trying to gain love.  And it was all-consuming.  But here is another truth that you can see in the world.  People who know in the core of their being that they are loved pour out love on the people around them.  But the love of other humans is simply not enough to engage this reaction.  We must find the love in ourselves.  Love that comes from the one who created us.  To find this love at the core of who we are is, I think, the whole point of life.  It is the way to heaven, whatever and wherever and whenever you think that heaven is. Because we are born to love. That is man's supreme purpose: to love our Creator.  And where is our Creator?  He is all around us.  In everything and everyone.  As close as our next breath.  And in the depths of eternity. And in our very souls.

     So do you have an idea whispering in your soul?  An imaginative and creative expression that would bless others? Follow it!  That is your purpose!  No one else can do it.  You were put on this Earth to bless it with the ideas that your true self comes up with.  The rich young ruler asked Jesus, "Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?"  Jesus knew he was seeking after riches with his will and said "give away everything you own and follow me." He told him to abandon his self will, and to replace it with God's will. What are you seeking that is not God?  Give it up already. And inherit your true calling.  To be the creative expression of God on Earth.  Without his creation being what it is born to be, the trees, the flowers, people, God has no body with which to do his will on Earth.  We are his body.  And a body is meant to do something - to manipulate its environment.  To express a will physically.  Find the love of God and you will be his hands and feet upon creation, uniquely, as only you can.  That is what salvation is: turning from our original sin (self-will) to be creative co-laborers with God. I'll say as much for myself as for my readers: You know what you seek that is not love for others.  Abandon it.  There is no life in it. Get saved already! There's work to be done that only you can do!


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