Sure, guns dont kill people. People With Guns Kill People.

One of the biggest problem conscientious Christians in America must face is gun violence.  Take a look at where America falls on a graph of gun violence by gun owner in the world. That's the United States way at the top.

Though the overall rates of gun deaths have declined over the past 100 years (we are no longer the wild west), the problem of mass shootings is on the rise at an unprecedented rate in the last two decades.

In 2014 and 2015, it increased even further.

What do we do?  In 2013 numerous studies found that states with stricter gun laws have fewer suicides and homicides by gun violence. .It is a myth that stricter gun laws will do nothing to curb the violence.  It is simply not true.  In fact, there is a direct inverse correlation between the strictness of gun laws in a state, and the rate of gun violence.  More strict gun laws = fewer victims.  In fact, more than one of the incidents we have heard about in the news recently in states with strict gun laws saw perpetrators procuring guns in states with less strict laws.

To answer the NRA, yes, guns don't kill people, people with guns kill people. The NRA is a very powerful special interest group dominating the conversation.  Just try to google "write your politicians for stricter gun laws".  Mostly what you get is sites set up to email senators and congressman to loosen gun laws. The American People need to make their voices heard. Let's agitate for enforcing stricter gun laws. We can make a real difference.

Write your congressman.  Tell him or her that you are in favor of stricter gun laws and better enforcement.  Go to and type in your address.  It will give you your congressmen with their contact pages.  Here is a letter you can paste in.

Dear ________________,
I am writing to urge you to support expanded background checks to reduce gun violence in the United States. I am begging you to vote to close the deadly loopholes in our laws that make it too easy for dangerous people to get guns.
Background checks are supported by over 90 percent of all Americans and are a commonsense tool for keeping guns out of the hands of criminals and the dangerously mentally ill. Background checks on gun sales are the most effective way to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people and help save lives.
It's time to end the epidemic of gun violence in our country. Thank you for doing what is right for the people of [your state] and the United States.
Thank you,
[Your Name]


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