

I look for you in the galaxies
Spinning in the endless night
Above my head.
I look for you in the soft
Whisper of raindrops
falling on the pavement
Outside my window
In the cool of the evening.
I see you in the endless fields of grass
Windblown reeds bowing
To your great majesty
Under an endless blue sky.
 I find you in the ancient texts:
Where you speak to me
In stories of men and women
Running headlong into you
In the pages before me.
You tell me of the endless river
That flows from your hand
It turns and twists
Undulating in rapids
And slowing
To meander through quiet eddies
Widening and flowing
Into the floodplain
Of my frail human soul.
I see you in the eyes
Of a wrinkled old man
Soft and loving
He bids me to come
Sit with him in the quiet evening
Around an ancient fire
And talks to me in a hushed voice
Of wonders beyond my understanding.
A nomad
I wander these lands
Deserts of pavement and buildings
Of roads and sidewalks
Made of sterile brick and steel
But I find you
In the wildflowers
Growing up through the cracks.
In the midst of the fevered pace of life
Where time is a commodity
And we are all in debt -
I find you making for me
A quiet moment in space and time.
An eternity
Breaking in between the seconds
In which I sit
And breathe in your sweet spirit.
You call out to me
When I am deaf to your words
And you pull me back in
And fill me with love
A love that is not shy
Or conditional
But wild and expectant.
It is a force inside me
That flows out of my actions
As I change the world around me:
Bringing your kingdom
To this fallen world.
You sit with me in a silence
That soaks into my soul
My spirit is born anew
It grows and takes its first steps
Under the watchful and loving eye
Of its proud father.
You are my bedrock in times of trouble
My shepherd when I am lost
The balm applied to my weary soul.
The creator of the wild color
And pensive music
That echoes from the edges
Of the expansive universe.
Grow me into the man
Who can handle all of this -
Your unbroken, unrestrained,
Relentless wild wonder.


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