I long to see him

I long to see my savior.  I long to see him coming on the clouds and standing there in front of me.  I will kiss his feet and touch his face and say, Rabbi, you have been my teacher, my friend, my confidant.  I love you and all that you do.  You have inspired me to better myself, to better the world, to help my fellow man.  I could not exist without you and you have given me everything I have. You have given me a good job, a beautiful wife, feet that know the good of walking the path you laid out for me, even the thorn of suffering in my side that has grown me and perfected me. Take this soul and make it sing, Son of Yahweh. "Take this mouth, so quick to criticize. Take this mouth, and give it a kiss." I am waiting for the dawn after the long night.  Anticipation gives life to me.  I am ready to do anything you ask of me.  No man can take this from me.  You have my heart and all of me.


Kofi Fant said…
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Kofi Fant said…
Immediately after writing this I heard an almost audiable voice in my mind asking "Do you love me?" I answered, "Lord you know I love you." And he replied, "Feed my sheep." It was confirmation that I am to write on these matters in my blog and on facebook. Maybe even write a book. But it was also a call to feed the hungry. Which I am going to do through my church on Christmas. A few minutes later, when I went out to my back deck, a dog ran up to greet me. A lady came around the corner and I gave him to her. She said his name was "love."

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