Woods, late fall

I drag my hand down the bumpy bark
The lines in it, veins
Coursing with green fertile sap beneath
Burning beneath the life all around me.

Fall flowers detonate and burn
In the gardens at the edge of the grasses
Houses line up neatly
In rows - straight and narrow.

I meander down the paved black street
Towards the holy woods
Hemmed in on all sides
By the fading green trimmed lawns.

There life grows in jagged brown lines
In fits and starts, now sleeping
It strains and sleepily reaches out
In stark lines against the frozen blue sky.

My soul, it stirs deep in its fleshy tomb
The fiber of my being warms
And the heart flows to the surface
Of my skin, cold in the fall sun.

The leaves scattered about the wooded floor
Crackle and crunch under my feet
As I place one in front of the other
Already arrived and still going.

The one to whom the blessings belong
Sits quietly by the lake under the naked trees
He engages me with loving eyes
And I come and sit in hushed stillness.

The only sound the beating of my heart
Loud in my ears
Ringing out across the woods
From here, in the center of it all.


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